What I do

Change management and facilitation; From 2015-2018, I provided change management for CEOs and International Directors in eight European development organisations of the ACT Alliance (Bröt für die Welt, Christian Aid, Church of Sweden, DanChurchAid, Diakonia, ICCO, FinnChurchAid and Norwegian Church Aid). My role included facilitation of strategic collaboration, joint programmes and new organisational models in six pilot countries. 

Analytical support and networking; From 2016-2018, I was Nordic consultant for the ONE Campaign’s London office on aid and development issues in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. As part of my assignment I e.g. provided the analysis of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the 2016 and 2017 DATA Reports. In 2017-2018, I was also Nordic consultant for Global Partnership for Education (GPE) supporting on partnerships and advocacy. 

Policy management and strategic collaboration; From 2016-2018, I facilitated the Nordic Aid Defence project for Oxfam IBIS funded by the Gates Foundation and analyzed the Nordic funding of in-donor refugee costs and promoted strategic collaboration among Nordic development organizations in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Advocacy Campaign concepts; I'm co-founder of many innovative policy campaigns in Denmark and have a profound experience in management and supervision of NGO campaigns in Denmark and internationally (see full list here). In 2015, I developed a stakeholder analysis and a draft strategy (2016-2020) for the Worlds Best News campaign, including midway presentations to steering committee and Secretary Generals. 

Conference planning and facilitation; I have profound experience as conference organiser (PCO) in Denmark, Africa and Internationally. in 2015, I acted as lead conference organiser of the High-Level CSO event on the post-2015 agenda co-hosted by UN NGLS and the Governments of Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya, Sweden and Tanzania. The High-Level CSO event took place in the UN Headquarters during the 70th UN General Assembly and was attended by approx. 500 participants. 


Policy Advice
+45 42944417